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Prisma is a modern ORM that plays well with serverless databases and modern web application frameworks. Learn how to use Prisma in your own projects from expert developers in these episodes.

Taylor Barnett

Taylor Barnett

Friday, November 19 2021 @ 9:00 AM PST

Serverless Databases With PlanetScale and Next.js

Custom databases on the Jamstack? Absolutely! Taylor Barnett will teach us how Planetscale and Netlify make it possible (and fun!) to build and deploy DB-powered Next.js apps!

Nikolas Burk

Nikolas Burk

Thursday, April 8 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT

Let's Learn Prisma!

If you need a database for your app, Prisma promises to make it easy. Nikolas Burk will teach us how!

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