A new season of 4 Web Devs 1 App is coming, and we want everyone — especially you! — to join in on the fun. And to make things even more exciting, we’ve added a new feature: a community challenge and giveaway!

We’re giving away a dream desk setup!

In every episode of 4 Web Devs 1 App, developers from around the community challenge themselves to build an app that meets a prompt and uses a given tool.

Now you can be one of those devs! Build your own take on the app prompt and submit it to the showcase to learn something new, show off your work, have some fun with the web dev community, and learn (or practice) practical skills.

And, as a bonus, one dev will win a dream desk setup: Ugmonk’s complete Gather collection.

The complete Gather Collection from Ugmonk

Enter to win this dream desk setup! Credit: Ugmonk

The prompt: “build an app using AI that isn’t another chatbot”

For this episode, the devs are building a web app that uses AI — but there’s a catch: it can’t just be another chatbot.

The team over at DataStax are sponsoring this episode, and the apps must be built using Astra DB.

How to enter

If you want to play along, here’s how to enter:

  1. Build a web app that includes AI, but is not a chatbot
  2. Use Astra DB as part of the web app
  3. Release the source code as a public GitHub repo
  4. Publish the web app to a hosting provider of your choice
  5. Submit your web app using the form below by 11:59pm on Monday, May 13

Submissions are now closed

This giveaway has ended, but there will be more soon. Sign up for newsletter updates to hear about them first!

Play along with friends!

If you’re looking for others who are getting involved, we’ve set up a dedicated channel in the Learn With Jason Discord (called #builder-chat) for people to brainstorm, share ideas, and keep each other accountable.

We’ve also got Carter and friends from the DataStax team available to answer your Astra DB questions as you’re building.

Happy building! Let’s have some fun.