Learn Something New in 90 Minutes from Web Experts
Browse 401 episodes of Learn With Jason or search with ⌘+K. Then join the community and find the fun in learning!
Zack Jackson
Thursday, January 30 2025 @ 9:30 AM PST
Let’s Learn Rspack
How does Rspack, a Rust-based web bundler, make devs’ lives easier? Core team member Zack Jackson shows us how it works.
Chris Coyier
Thursday, January 2 2025 @ 9:30 AM PST
Recreate a Cool Shuffling Effect in Pure CSS
When Chris Coyier saw Toni Lijic’s hobbies widget, he wanted to figure out how it works and build his own version. He shows us how he reverse engineers CSS in this episode.
Cory Speisman
Thursday, December 19 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
Using tests for cleaner code with constant refactoring
Tests can help us clear the clutter out of our thinking — and our code — if we look at them a little differently. Cory Speisman teaches us how TDD can be a thinking tool.
Elvis Kahoro
Thursday, December 12 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
DevTools showcase: Warp, Graphite, and Reflex
How do you make sure your dev environment is helping you get work done? Elvis Kahoro will give us a tour of a few of his favorite dev tools.
Lazar Nikolov
Thursday, November 21 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
Debugging complicated apps
When you’ve got a frontend, a backend, and more in between, how do you debug issues? Lazar Nikolov teaches us how to use tracing.
Bree Hall
Thursday, October 17 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Create consistent designs in React using Tailwind CSS
Learn how to create a “mini design system” for your projects of all sizes using Tailwind CSS. Bree Hall teaches us.
Atila Fassina
Thursday, October 3 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Ship native apps with web tech using Tauri
Access native APIs using a JavaScript runtime to ship fully functional native apps with Tauri without needing to write Rust. Atila Fassina teaches us.
Laurie Voss
Thursday, September 26 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
AI should do chores, not the fun stuff
What’s the *right* use for AI? Laurie Voss thinks it’s great at doing boring chores, and in this episode we learn what that means and how we can put the robots to work so we have more time for the fun stuff.
Ben Holmes
Thursday, September 19 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
First look at Astro 5 beta
One of the most promising web frameworks is looking even more exciting with the features landing in v5. Ben Holmes, will give us a guided tour of the content layer, actions, typed env vars + more in the Astro 5 beta.
Vladimir Sheremet
Thursday, September 12 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Use Vitest with Browser Mode
With Vitest’s browser mode, you can run your tests in the browser natively. Learn how from maintainer Vladimir Sheremet.
Daishi Kato
Thursday, September 5 2024 @ 3:30 PM PDT
Let’s Learn Waku for React
Waku’s goal is to “make React development fun again”. Learn how this minimal framework lets us build with React Server Components and more with creator Daishi Kato.
Ryan Carniato
Thursday, August 29 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Let’s Learn SolidStart
Pushing boundaries is nothing new to the Solid.js team. With SolidStart, they’re aiming to bring fine-grained reactivity to fullstack apps. Ryan Carniato teaches us how it works.
Sara Vieira
Thursday, August 15 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
3D on the web with React
3D assets are showing up on more websites these days. Sara Vieira has experience in both React and 3D modeling, and she’ll teach us how to combine them in our apps.
Robbie Wagner
Wednesday, August 7 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Let’s Learn Ember.js
When I asked Robbie Wagner what Ember.js is, he called it “the Rails of JavaScript”. Learn what it is and how we can use it in our web projects.
Eli Goodman
Thursday, August 1 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build a web version of a board game
How do you build a board game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? Eli Goodman joins to teach us how we can build our own using web tech.
Darius Cepulis
Thursday, July 25 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Put videos behind auth
How do you build a web app that only shows video content to logged-in users? Darius Cepulis will show us how to set it up with Mux.
Dev Agrawal
Thursday, July 11 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build your own metaframework with Vinxi
Vite and Nitro are the building blocks of many metaframeworks today. Dev Agrawal will teach us how Vinxi lets us use Vite + Nitro to build our own JavaScript metaframework.
Mike Aparicio
Thursday, June 6 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build a design system with CSS
Mike will teach Jason how to build a design system using CSS. The system will make it easy to build pixel-perfect pages without needing to write CSS every time a new feature is added.
Brandon Roberts
Thursday, May 30 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
AnalogJS is the full-stack meta-framework for Angular
There’s a whole lot of interesting innovation happening in AnalogJS. Creator Brandon Roberts will teach us why it’s exciting, whether you’re an Angular dev or not.
Rob Stanford
Thursday, May 23 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Run Next.js without Vercel
What does it take to support Next.js on a platform other than Vercel? Rob Stanford will share how he and his team reverse engineered Next.js to add support for its complex feature set on Netlify.
Matteo Collina
Thursday, May 9 2024 @ 9:00 AM PDT
Node.js and its many, many new features
When was the last time you looked at what Node.js is capable of? If you're like me, it's been a while — and a LOT has changed. TSC member Matteo Collina will show us what's new and how we can modernize our projects.
Julianna Lamb
Thursday, May 2 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Auth and RBAC in multi-tenant React apps
One of the first challenges many web apps face is how to manage user authentication. Julianna Lamb will show us how to use Stytch and its pre-built UI components to add auth to a React + Express app quickly.
Sunil Pai
Thursday, April 18 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Adding state to serverless applications
Serverless has always come with a trade-off: apps that use it are stateless by design. But Sunil Pai has a way to make serverless stateful, and he's going to show us how it works.
Jake Albaugh
Thursday, April 11 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Dev Mode and Custom Plugins in Figma
How can web developers and designers work together in Figma? Live from the Figma offices in San Francisco, Jake Albaugh will teach us how Dev Mode improves the design handoff, and how the Figma plugins API enables more powerful customization.
Steve Krouse
Thursday, March 28 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Val Town wants to make serverless JavaScript easier
HTTP handlers, cron jobs, email handlers — all the little things we need to set up as web apps get more complex. Steve Krouse will teach us how Val Town can help.
Charles Lowell
Thursday, March 21 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Fixing async/await in JavaScript and TypeScript
If you've ever hit issues with async/await, structured concurrency might have some solutions for you. Charles Lowell will teach us what the heck it is and how it can improve or software architecture.
Fred K. Schott
Thursday, March 14 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Astro’s biggest release yet
Astro’s got big news, and Fred K. Schott is teaching us what it means for web dev using Astro.
Lenz Weber-Tronic
Thursday, March 7 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
React Suspense in GraphQL with Apollo Client
Learn how to combine the latest in GraphQL and React Suspense to build apps that feel great to build AND to use. Lenz Weber-Tronic will teach us how it works.
Steve Manuel
Thursday, February 29 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
Run Go, Rust, and more in JavaScript using WASM + Extism
We can build cross-language applications that can use Go, Rust, Node, PHP, .Net, Ruby, and many other languages through the power of WebAssembly. Steve Manuel will teach us how we can do it quickly using Extism.
Adam Cowley
Thursday, February 22 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
What is GenAI and can we do it with JavaScript?
If you're like me and you don't know what "GenAI" means, Adam Cowley will teach us how to use langchain.js and build our own custom apps.
Chance Strickland
Thursday, February 15 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
Make React faster with Million
Can you get better performance than React offers without switching frameworks? Million says you can, and Chance Strickland will show us how it works.
Jay Miller
Thursday, February 8 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
Build Web APIs Using Python and FastAPI
Python works for the web. Learn how FastAPI allows developers to build web APIs quickly. Jay Miller teaches us how.
Adam Argyle
Thursday, February 1 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
Learn With Jason Live, LIVE! The CSS-stravaganza!
Adam Argyle likes CSS. In this episode, he’s live in studio teaching us about everything from @property to @layer to scroll-snap and a whole lot more.
Steve Sewell
Thursday, January 25 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
Qwik + Astro perf on perf on perf
Qwik introduced resumability in JavaScript apps. Astro introduced a “just in time” approach to building complex frontends. Together, are they unstoppable? Steve Sewell will teach us.
Jessica Janiuk
Thursday, January 11 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
Defer and other reasons to try Angular again
There’s a whole lot happening in Angular lately. Jessica Janiuk and the rest of the core team have been working hard to add new capabilities & improved APIs. Learn what’s new & why it’s worth a look.
Mark Erikson
Thursday, January 4 2024 @ 9:30 AM PST
What's new in Redux Toolkit 2.0?
There's a right way to write Redux in 2024. Core maintainer Mark Erikson will teach us what the recommended modern approach is, what's new in RTK 2.0, & the long road toward shipping 5 major OSS libraries simultaneously.
Mark Techson
Thursday, December 21 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Angular is so back
Devs are excited about Angular again. In this episode, Mark Techson from the core team will teach us how to build a web app using Angular v17.
Ado Kukic
Tuesday, December 19 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
How to use coding AI assistants effectively
What can an AI coding assistant do, and what’s the best way to add one to your workflow? Ado Kukic will guide us through the options using Cody.
Cassie Evans
Thursday, December 14 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Fun, festive, interactive web animation
Many of the websites we love most are fun and interactive. In this episode, Cassie Evans will teach us how to add a little festive whimsy to our web projects with Greensock.
Rizél Scarlett
Thursday, December 7 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Can you actually own your identity and content on the web?
How do you prove you're you on the internet? How do you make sure a startup shutting down doesn't take all your data with it? Rizél Scarlett will show us how we can take back control.
Jack Herrington
Thursday, November 30 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Let’s Learn HTMX!
There’s been a lot of buzz about HTMX. I have no idea what it is. Jack Herrington joined us LIVE IN STUDIO to separate the facts from the memes.
Rich Harris
Thursday, November 16 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Going Deep on Svelte 5
Svelte’s Runes made a lot of headlines when they were announced. In this episode, creator Rich Harris will teach us about Runes and a whole lot more of what’s new and exciting in Svelte 5.
Michael Dougall
Thursday, October 26 2023 @ 1:00 PM PDT
3D in React With Triplex, a Visual Editor for react-three-fiber
Triplex is a visual editor for react-three-fiber that uses code as the source of truth. Editing 3D components in React in a Figma-like UI?! Creator Michael Dougall will teach us how it works.
James Perkins
Thursday, October 12 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
What Sucks About Building APIs (& How To Make It Better)
Generating API keys, rate limits, analytics, free trials, and more — the business side of APIs is complex. James Perkins will teach us how he’s trying to solve that with unkey.
Thursday, October 5 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
CSS-Only Scroll-Driven Animation and Other Impossible Things
Wait, you can’t do scroll-driven animation with just CSS, right? Bramus will show us that not only is it possible, but there’s even more that CSS can do these days.
Miriam E Suzanne
Thursday, September 28 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Demystifying CSS Container Queries
CSS Container Queries promise even more powerful styling approaches, but… what the heck are they? How do they actually work? Miriam will teach us.
Jamie Barton
Thursday, September 14 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Unify Data Sources with GraphQL
Create a unified GraphQL API using an existing non-GraphQL API, MongoDB, and extend a remote data source with TypeScript. Plus caching and edge deployment! Jamie Barton from Grafbase will teach us how.
Una Kravets
Thursday, September 7 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
What’s new in HTML and CSS in 2023?
The capabilities of HTML and CSS are always improving, and recently the pace has accelerated. Una Kravets will show us all the powerful new browser APIs we might have missed.
Fred K. Schott
Thursday, August 31 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Does Astro make heavy JS frameworks obsolete?
Built-in View Transitions and a whole lot more. Astro is betting on the browser over JavaScript. Fred K. Schott returns to teach us.
Laurent Doguin
Thursday, August 10 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Add Full Text Search to Your Couchbase Data
Document store databases are flexible, but how do you search? In this episode, Laurent Doguin will teach us how it works.
Steven Fabre
Thursday, August 3 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build multiplayer SaaS apps with Liveblocks
Add a Figma-like multiplayer editor experience, share & invite dialogs, a document browser, and more using Liveblocks. Steven Fabre will teach us how.
Jessica Sachs
Thursday, July 27 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Component-driven development with Faker.js
Using realistic data for dev helps create more resilient code in less time. Jessica Sachs will teach us how to use component-driven dev + Faker.JS to build better code faster.
Aleksandra Sikora
Thursday, July 20 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Make the Fetch API type-safe with feTS
The Guild's feTS lets us build REST APIs with end-to-end type safety using TypeScript and the OpenAPI Spec. Maintainer Aleksandra Sikora will teach us how it works!
Miško Hevery
Thursday, July 13 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Qwik 1.0 is unlike any JS framework you've used before
Now that Qwik has reached a stable v1 release, let’s take another look at what how Qwik’s resumability and other innovations impact how we build for the web. Creator Miško Hevery returns to teach us.
Maxi Ferreira
Thursday, July 6 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Seamless Page Navigation With the View Transitions API
The View Transitions API is now stable in Chrome. That means we can make extremely cool nav animations in our web projects without extra JS overhead. Maxi Ferreira returns to teach us how it works!
Gabriel Daltoso
Thursday, June 22 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build a custom code editor using the WebContainer API
It's mind-boggling what you can accomplish in the browser these days. Gabriel Daltoso joins to teach us how to build a simple code editor using the WebContainer API with StackBlitz.
Mark Erikson
Thursday, June 8 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Redux in 2023: What you need to know
Redux is still wildly popular. Mark Erikson is back to make sure we get the most from modern Redux. Learn common misconceptions, gotchas, best practices + patterns you might not need anymore direct from the maintainers!
Domitrius Clark
Thursday, May 25 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Improving the Database Experience of your Deploy Previews with Xata
Bring your data across Deploy Previews on your Netlify & Vercel sites. We're going to explore Xata's new Integration with GitHub, how to keep your data safe during additions & collaboration, and what it looks like to add a new feature to your Next.js app.
Jens Neuse
Tuesday, May 23 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
How WunderGraph Simplifies API Development
How do you build apps in a landscape where most of your data is coming from different APIs? Jens Neuse, the founder of WunderGraph, is out to provide a solution.
Rich Harris
Thursday, May 11 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Why Svelte is the most loved JS framework
Creator Rich Harris is back to teach us what's possible with Svelte and SvelteKit in 2023.
Sunil Pai
Thursday, May 4 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Collaborative, real-time apps with Partykit
The web is more fun with friends. Sunil Pai will teach us how Partykit makes it fun and straightforward to add collaborative experiences to any app.
Chris Kalmar
Thursday, April 27 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Catch Visual Bugs Before They Ship
There’s nothing more frustrating than learning part of your app looks funky from a user screenshot. In this episode, Chris Kalmar will teach us how holistic visual regression testing catches problems BEFORE they ship.
Mark Dobossy
Thursday, April 20 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Advanced Effects for Live Streaming
Custom shaders, animations, "hacker mode", and more — Mark Dobossy will teach us how to build extremely cool OBS experiences to level up our livestreams.
Mark Erikson
Thursday, March 23 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Travel Through Time to Debug JavaScript
Science fiction? Mark Erikson is here to show us how time travel is not only possible thanks to Replay, but hugely helpful in debugging apps.
Jason Bahl
Thursday, March 16 2023 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build a Headless WordPress site with WPGraphQL, Faust.js and WPGraphQL Smart Cache
There's a reason almost half the web runs on WordPress. Jason Bahl will teach us how to use Faust.js WPGraphQL to build fast, secure headless WordPress sites.
Kevin Whinnery
Thursday, March 9 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Build an Internal App Without Learning Mobile App Dev
Mobile apps to help your team track & manage internal processes are extremely helpful, but what if you don't have any mobile devs on staff? Kevin Whinnery will teach us how to build a custom internal mobile app using Retool — no mobile dev expertise required.
Aryan Deora
Thursday, March 2 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Shared State Between Multiple Frameworks
How can you share state between React.JS, Svelte.JS, Solid.JS, Vue.JS, and more? TanStack Query maintainer Aryan Deora will show us how he does it with Query + Astro.
Nat Alison
Thursday, February 23 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Code Your Own Generative Art
Writing code to expand your creative capabilities is a fun way to stretch your knowledge of what code can do. One of the best creative technologists in the game, Nat Alison, will teach us how it’s done.
Daniel Kim
Wednesday, February 22 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Location-Based Next.js Middleware With New Relic Synthetics
If your app needs to behave differently based on user location, Next.js Middleware gives you control. And New Relic Synthetics make testing easy. Observability Week Day 3 features Daniel Kim!
Mat Wilk
Tuesday, February 21 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Why Should Web Developers Care About Logging?
Troubleshoot and debug web apps faster, easier, and stress-free. This episode leverages create-t3-app as a starting point and New Relic to unify APM and logs in context. Mat Wilk joins for day 2 of Observability Week!
Ptah Dunbar
Monday, February 20 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Troubleshooting React Native apps with New Relic
Is your mobile app slow? Is it the network? OTA updates? Or something else? Use New Relic to know for sure. Observability Week kicks off with Ptah Dunbar teaching us how to get better insights into our react native mobile apps.
Tiff Janzen
Thursday, February 16 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Visual Editing w/Next.js, Contentful, and Stackbit
Finding a workflow that’s good for devs *and* content writers is hard. In this episode, Tiff Janzen will teach us how to use Stackbit to make all your teams happy.
Thursday, February 9 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Sanity Studio v3
What's new in Sanity Studio v3? In this episode, Kapehe will teach us what's possible, how we can get started, and even how to embed Studio into a Next.JS app.
Anthony Fu
Thursday, February 2 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Fast Unit Testing With Vitest
Vitest is a Vite-native unit testing framework that’s Jest-compatible. Core maintainer Anthony Fu will teach us how to use it in this episode.
Tony Sullivan
Thursday, January 26 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
What’s New in Astro 2.0?
The latest major release of Astro includes new features like content collections, hybrid rendering, and a whole lot more. Core maintainer Tony Sullivan joins to show us the latest.
Sébastien Lorber
Thursday, January 19 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Create and deploy a documentation website
Docusaurus 2.0 adds support for MDX, file system routing, plugins, and more! Maintainer Sébastien Lorber will give us a tour.
Daniel Roe
Thursday, January 12 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Nuxt 3 & Nitro
Nuxt.JS v3 is stable, and it introduces a ton of features including Typescript support, Vuejs 3, Vite.JS, and the new Nitro server engine. Framework architect Daniel Roe will teach us all about it.
Lior Brauer
Thursday, January 5 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST
Build Your Own Developer Training Quest
The team at Wilco is building “a flight simulator for developers” to help devs level up their skills in real-world scenarios. Lior Brauer will teach us how to build a custom Wilco quest.
Dominik Dorfmeister
Thursday, December 22 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
TanStack Query v4
State management is hard. TanStack Query aims to take the pain out of data fetching, caching, parallelization, and much more. Maintainer Dominik Dorfmeister will teach us all about it.
Jason Lengstorf
Tuesday, December 20 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Coworking Session with Jason Lengstorf
Grab your current project and work along with Jason as he tackles his todo list. This is a casual session, so bring questions!
Will Johnson
Tuesday, December 13 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Let's Learn Auth0 Actions!
We can extend our identity code using Auth0 Actions. Will Johnson will teach us how to use serverless and a drag-and-drop interface to build custom identity flows.
Jason Lengstorf
Thursday, December 8 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
Port a Blog to Astro
For many devs, writing blogs with Markdown/MDX is still preferred. In this episode, Jason (a Markdown True Believer™) will be working on an in-progress port of the Learn With Jason blog to Astro.
Miško Hevery
Tuesday, December 6 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Qwik City for Resumable, Dynamic Apps
Qwik City is a metaframework that adds routing and other app-like features on top of Qwik resumable components. Miško Hevery will teach us how to ship less JavaScript without sacrificing interactivity.
Shaundai Person
Thursday, December 1 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
Optimize React App Performance
Building dynamic React.js apps that avoid performance pitfalls can be challenging. Shaundai Person will show us how to optimize our components, hooks, and more.
Joyce Park
Tuesday, November 22 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Webauthn (FIDO2) and Project Fugu
Log in with your fingerprint or Face ID in a browser? Use machine learning directly in the browser? There's a LOT we can do today, & Joyce Park will teach us how.
Colby Fayock
Thursday, November 17 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
Better Images in Next.js with Cloudinary
Cloudinary provides powerful transformation APIs so you don’t have to waste time fiddling with images. Colby Fayock has a new library for Next.js to make it even easier.
Brian LeRoux
Tuesday, November 15 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Build web standards-based sites with Enhance
Enhance is “designed to provide a dependable foundation for building lightweight, flexible, and future-proof web applications.” Maintainer Brian LeRoux will show us how it works.
Ely Lucas
Thursday, October 27 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
How to Add Component Tests to Web Apps
What are component tests? How do they relate to e2e tests? Do they improve a11y? Ely Lucas will teach us all about them and how we can add component tests using Cypress to a React app.
James Mikrut
Tuesday, October 25 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Build a scalable design system for enterprise websites with Payload CMS & Next.js
How do you make the dream of a design system for your company stand up to the reality of other teams actually using it in prod? James Mikrut will show us how.
Ryan Florence
Tuesday, October 11 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
React Router 6.4
The latest version of React Router introduces powerful new patterns including data loading, mutations, and pending/skeleton UIs. Ryan Florence will teach us what's new and how we can use it in our own apps.
Jason Lengstorf
Thursday, October 6 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Fun With Slack ChatOps
Y'all asked for a real project, so today I’ll be working on some ChatOps ideas I need for my team at Netlify. We'll build out a Slack slash command and some integrations with Notion.
Tom Ballinger
Tuesday, October 4 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Build a Reactive Backend for a Web App
Convex is a JS-powered database and backend for web apps that’s reactive — you can use it to create endpoints and queries that update automatically when data changes. Tom Ballinger will teach us how.
Maxi Ferreira
Thursday, September 29 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Smooth Page Transitions with Astro & the Shared Element Transition API
Can you make a multi-page app (MPA) feel like a single-page app (SPA)? Maxi Ferreira says we can and will show us how to do it.
Thuy Doan
Tuesday, September 27 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Custom Media Players with Media Chrome
Build a custom video player UI that plays video from anywhere using a new, fully open source web component library from the Mux team. Thuy Doan will show us how it works.
Jason Lengstorf
Thursday, September 8 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build a Dynamic Links Page for Social Bios
Putting a link tree in your social bios is popular, but what if you want it to live update with your stats? In this episode, Jason will build out a custom "link in bio" page with dynamically updating profile stats.
Matt Pocock
Tuesday, September 6 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Advanced TypeScript: Let’s Learn Generics!
If you've never used typescript generics, it can be pretty intimidating. In this episode, Matt Pocock will teach us this advanced TypeScript concept.
Alex Shyba
Tuesday, August 30 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Make Static Pages Dynamic With Netlify Edge Functions
Can you customize someone’s experience without tons of client-side JavaScript or complex SSR? Alex Shyba will show us how Netlify Edge Functions and Uniform make it possible!
David Khourshid
Thursday, August 25 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Use XState With Netlify Edge Functions
State machines at the edge? Yes please! David Khourshid is back to show us how to deploy and visualize workflows in real-time!
Jason Lengstorf
Tuesday, August 23 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
PlanetScale Serverless Driver, Netlify Edge Functions, and Next.js
PlanetScale just released a serverless driver for Netlify Edge Functions that unlocks some very cool possibilities at the edge. Let's spend some time digging in and seeing how it works in this episode.
Adam Argyle
Thursday, August 11 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build Custom Interfaces Using CSS Open Props
Learn how to make a great-looking interface (+ animation!) with ready-to-use CSS variables from Open Props. Open Props is a design system for any tooling. Adam Argyle will teach us how it works.
Fred K. Schott
Tuesday, August 9 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
What’s New in Astro v1?
Astro just hit v1.0.0 and there’s a lot to be excited about. Come join creator Fred Schott as we talk about the trade-offs of MPAs vs. SPAs, partial hydration, MDX, and more!
Varun Vachhar
Thursday, August 4 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Automate Accessibility Tests With Storybook
Building UI libraries with StorybookJS is even better when you're confident you're shipping accessible code. Varun Vachhar will teach us how.
Jason Lengstorf
Tuesday, August 2 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Build an E-commerce Site with Next.js and Shopify
Build a modern e-commerce web store using Next.js and Shopify. Jason will tackle building a custom app with a shopping cart in this episode.
Yang Zhang
Thursday, July 28 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Visual Page Building With Plasmic
You can build production-grade web applications using a drag-and-drop visual page builder. In this episode, Yang Zhang will teach us how to do it with Plasmic.
Matt Perry
Tuesday, July 26 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Let's Learn Motion DevTools!
Build, inspect, edit, and export animations made with CSS and Motion One using this Chrome extension from the Motion team. Matt Perry will show us how it works.
Facundo Giuliani
Tuesday, July 19 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Personalization Using Storyblok
Personalization is a top feature request for just about every company with a web presence — but how do you pull it off? Facundo Giuliani will show us how using Storyblok.
John Lindquist
Thursday, July 7 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Use Script Kit to Automate Your Daily Workflows
Script Kit is an open source tool to optimize developer workflows. Creator John Lindquist will teach us how we can use it to boost our efficiency.
Shem Magnezi
Thursday, June 30 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Level Up as a Developer Through Practice
Wilco is a "flight simulator for developers" that offers real world scenarios to help devs level up through practice. CTO Shem Magnezi gives us a tour.
Sunil Pai
Tuesday, June 28 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
What Is Edge Computing?
We’re hearing a lot about “the edge” lately — but what does that mean? In this episode, Sunil Pai will teach us what it means to build modern web applications on the edge.
Jason Lengstorf
Thursday, June 23 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Let's Play With Realtime (Using Supabase), pt. 2
Join Jason to have some fun with realtime coding. Let's finish the app we started together last time with Supabase.
Prince Wilson
Tuesday, June 21 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Let’s Learn Blender!
Blender is a free and open source 3D creation suite. In this episode, Prince Wilson will teach us how to get started building our own 3D designs.
Scott Jehl
Wednesday, June 15 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Automate Performance Boosts Using Experiments
WebPageTest just launched new features where you can run a new test with fixes applied to see how they'll affect your Core Web Vitals. Scott Jehl will teach us how it works.
Jason Lengstorf
Thursday, June 9 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Let's Play With Realtime
Join Jason to have some fun with realtime coding. Let's see what we can build in 90 minutes — and then let's all test it together!
Thaís Santos
Tuesday, June 7 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Generate Figma UI kits from code
We've all seen components go from Figma to code, but what about from code to Figma? Thaís Santos will teach us how story.to.design can generate a Figma UI kit directly from your code
Hirday Gupta
Thursday, May 12 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build a Custom App Dashboard
Retool promises to help us "build internal tools, remarkably fast". In this episode, Hirday Gupta will teach us how to build an app backend and UI quickly.
Segun Adebayo
Tuesday, May 10 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Build UI Components With State Machines
The new Zag component library offers UI components powered by finite state machines. Segun Adebayo will teach us how it works!
Johannes Schickling
Thursday, May 5 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Convert Markdown & CMS Content Into Type-Safe JSON
Contentlayer is an SDK that transforms content from any source (including Markdown) into type-safe JSON. Johannes Schickling will teach us how it works and how we can use it in our own projects.
Jason Lengstorf
Tuesday, May 3 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Let’s Learn Netlify Edge Functions
In a solo episode, Jason will dig into the new Netlify Edge Functions. Learn what edge computing enables, what you can build with it, and how to get started.
Miško Hevery
Thursday, April 28 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build Resumable Apps with Qwik
Qwik lets us build "resumable apps" by requiring nearly zero JavaScript for pages to become interactive + fine-grained lazy loading to only load what's used. Miško Hevery will teach us how to get started.
Juri Strumpflohner
Tuesday, April 26 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Build and Deploy a React App from a Monorepo
Managing large, complex, and/or multi-team codebases can be simplified by using a monorepo approach. In this episode, Juri Strumpflohner will teach us how to use Nx to build and deploy React apps.
Faraz Patankar
Thursday, April 21 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Deploy a Site With Self-Hosted Analytics
Add self-hosted analytics to a Next.js site using Umami. Faraz Patankar will teach us how to build, instrument, and deploy an app to Railway.
Ulf Schwekendiek
Tuesday, April 19 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Generate Dynamic Images with node-canvas
Creating dynamic images unlocks a whole world of powerful workflows. In this episode, Ulf Schwekendiek will teach us how to use node-canvas to create our own custom, dynamically generated images.
Chance Strickland
Friday, April 15 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build an esbuild plugin
The speed of esbuild is incredible, but what happens if you need it to do more? Chance Strickland will teach us how to extend esbuild with custom plugins in this episode.
Brandon Roberts
Thursday, April 7 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build a Live Voting App
If you want to create an interactive app that allows people to vote, where should you start? Brandon Roberts will teach us how to build the whole dang thing using Appwrite.
Alex / KATT
Tuesday, April 5 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Let's Learn tRPC!
The promise of tRPC is end-to-end typesafe APIs. In this episode, Alex / KATT will teach us what that means and how we can get started using tRPC in a React app.
James Evans
Thursday, March 31 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Let’s Learn CommandBar!
Adding a ⌘+K shortcut to open a command palette in your app is a great way to give your users more control. CommandBar lets you add powerful search, nav, & custom actions quickly. James Evans will teach us how!
Håkon Krogh
Tuesday, March 29 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Build a Page Speed 100 E-commerce Site
On e-commerce sites, page performance is everything. In this episode, Håkon Krogh will teach us how to build a web store that aces the Page Speed checks using Remix and Crystallize.
Anthony Campolo
Thursday, March 17 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT
RedwoodJS 1.0
RedwoodJS calls itself "the JS app framework for startups" — and it's officially hitting v1.0.0! Anthony Campolo will show us what's new and how to get started.
Kent C. Dodds
Tuesday, March 15 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Remix Stacks
Remix Stacks are a quickstart for building full-stack applications, including a Remix frontend, a database, and more. Kent C. Dodds will teach us how to get started.
Cassie Evans
Thursday, March 10 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
Create Playful, Interactive Animations
Can we make our animations react to user input? We can! Cassie Evans will teach us how to use Greensock to create fun, interactive animations!
Shams Mosowi
Tuesday, March 8 2022 @ 4:00 PM PST
Automatic Image Creation From a Figma Template
Can your database automatically enrich entries using third-party data and create custom images from a Figma template? Rowy can! Shams Mosowi will teach us how it works.
Brian Douglas
Tuesday, March 1 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Find Your Next Open Source Contribution
Contributing to open source is a great way to build your career and network, but how do you find a good issue to work on? Brian Douglas has the deets!
David Khourshid
Thursday, February 24 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
Visually Create State Machines
Visualizing app logic is a game changer. In this episode, David Khourshid will teach us how Stately lets us visually create state machines and statecharts, then use them directly in React.js apps.
Jason Lengstorf
Tuesday, February 22 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
AMA and Coding Q&A
Join Jason for an AMA + coding Q&A! Bring your questions about developer experience, growing your network and career, building for the modern web, and more!
Ben Myers
Thursday, February 17 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
Build a Color Contrast Checker with Eleventy Serverless
Eleventy 1.0 has just been released, and with it comes Eleventy Serverless for on-request page generation. Ben Myers will teach us how to get started with Eleventy Serverless by building a color contrast checker with little to no client-side JavaScript.
Sean Grove
Tuesday, February 15 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Simplify & Unify Data Access With Netlify Graph
With the new Netlify Graph product, you can read, write, & even subscribe to data from third-party APIs securely — without having to manage auth tokens or complex data fetching logic. Sean Grove teaches us how!
Adam Cowley
Thursday, February 3 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
Build Neo4j Applications With Node.js
When and how should you use a graph database? In this episode, Adam Cowley will teach us how Neo4j's JavaScript driver gets us up and running quickly with custom graph DBs.
Jason Lengstorf
Tuesday, February 1 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Scheduled Functions (Cron Jobs) With Netlify
Netlify just announced support for scheduled functions, which are basically serverless cron jobs. In this episode, Jason will explore the new functionality and see how it all works!
Ondrej Polesny
Thursday, January 27 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
Set Up a Better Content Editing Experience
Using a decoupled CMS, we want to add shareable previews, fast search, and keep a great DX. Ondrej Polesny will teach us how Kontent by Kentico, Next.js, and Netlify make it possible!
Ben Holmes
Tuesday, January 25 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Learn About Islands Architecture With Slinkity
Partial hydration lets you ship zero JS by default. In this episode, Ben Holmes will teach us how Slinkity lets us use any component framework to build low-JS dynamic apps on the Jamstack.
Char Stiles
Thursday, January 20 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
Build Your Own Audio Visualization In a Shader
Getting into shaders and writing GLSL might sound intimidating, but don't be scared! Char Stiles will teach us to code our own visualizations in the browser.
Dan Gorelick
Tuesday, January 18 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Make Music With Code
Code can be used to make art, and Dan Gorelick is an artist that uses code to make music. In this episode, learn how we can generate music on the fly!
Harshil Agrawal
Thursday, January 13 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST
What Can You Automate With n8n?
Used wisely, automation is a huge time saver. In this episode, we'll learn about all the incredible things we can automate using n8n from Harshil Agrawal!
Jon Meyers
Tuesday, January 11 2022 @ 4:00 PM PST
Build an App With Supabase and NextJS
Supabase combines database storage and authentication into a powerful workflow for web devs. In this episode, Jon Meyers will teach us how to build a Next.js app with Supabase and deploy it to Netlify!
Joel Hooks
Tuesday, January 4 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST
Marketing Automation With Customer.io + Next.js
Joel hooks has been building full-featured marketing automation using Nextjs & Customer.io for some of the most popular dev education sites out there. In this episode, he'll share how it's done!
Shadid Haque
Tuesday, December 21 2021 @ 10:30 AM PST
Build a Full-Stack Serverless App With Next.js & Fauna
Web devs have more power than ever to build ambitious full-stack apps. In this episode, Shadid Haque will teach us how to build a TikTok clone with Netlify Functions, Fauna, and Next.js!
Max Stoiber
Thursday, December 16 2021 @ 9:30 AM PST
Faster GraphQL With GraphCDN
GraphCDN adds a smart caching layer for GraphQL APIs that promises better performance and reliability. In this episode, Max Stoiber will teach us how to use it in our own apps!
Ceara Crawshaw
Thursday, December 9 2021 @ 9:30 AM PST
Diagnose and Fix UX/UI Problems
You don't need to be a designer to catch and fix issues with an app's UX and UI. In this episode, Ceara Crawshaw will teach us how to identify common problems in interfaces — and how to solve them!
Maricris Bonzo
Tuesday, December 7 2021 @ 10:30 AM PST
Let's Learn Passwordless Auth!
Passwordless auth is an exciting and convenient way to let your users access your apps. In this episode, Maricris Bonzo will teach us how to use Magic Labs to enable it for your apps!
Natalia Venditto
Friday, December 3 2021 @ 9:30 AM PST
Distributed Databases on the Jamstack
Decoupled frontends are powerful, but how do you manage databases when you have microfrontends in play? In this episode, Natalia Venditto will teach us how MongoDB makes it manageable.
Georges Gomes
Thursday, December 2 2021 @ 9:30 AM PST
Build Your Own Design System
Understanding what design systems solve and when to build one is a complicated question. In this episode, we'll dive into it with Georges Gomes and learn how to build our own design system with Backlight Dev.
Ryan Carniato
Tuesday, November 30 2021 @ 10:30 AM PST
Let's Learn SolidJS
SolidJS is an exciting framework with a small (6.4kb) footprint, a reactive, component-based approach, and incredible performance. In this episode, Ryan Carniato will teach us how to get started with our first SolidJS app!
Ryan Florence
Monday, November 29 2021 @ 10:30 AM PST
Let's Learn Remix!
Remix is a React-based framework focused on web fundamentals and modern UX. In this episode, Ryan Florence will teach us what makes it different and how to get started with it!
Alexandra Spalato
Tuesday, November 23 2021 @ 10:30 AM PST
Gatsby WordPress Themes
Combining WordPress & Gatsby lets us have the best of both worlds for content creation & web dev. In this episode, Alexandra Spalato teaches us to how to use Gatsby themes to build WordPress sites quickly!
Taylor Barnett
Friday, November 19 2021 @ 9:00 AM PST
Serverless Databases With PlanetScale and Next.js
Custom databases on the Jamstack? Absolutely! Taylor Barnett will teach us how Planetscale and Netlify make it possible (and fun!) to build and deploy DB-powered Next.js apps!
Michael Chan
Thursday, November 18 2021 @ 9:30 AM PST
Styling With Attribute Selectors
CSS can do *a lot* — in this episode, Michael Chan will teach us how much we can accomplish with data attributes and CSS selectors!
James Quick
Tuesday, November 16 2021 @ 10:30 AM PST
Add a Login to Your Svelte Site With Auth0
How do you add a login to Jamstack sites? In this episode, James Quick will show us how to combine Svelte and Auth0 to create a members-only section!
Patricio Vargas (pato)
Tuesday, November 9 2021 @ 10:30 AM PST
Create a PWA from Scratch
Progressive Web Apps get talked about a lot, but what *is* a PWA? In this episode, Patricio Vargas (pato) will teach us how to create one from scratch, including Service Workers!
Jason Lengstorf
Tuesday, November 2 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
AMA: Developer Experience, DevRel, Jamstack, JavaScript, and more!
What do you want to know about Developer Experience, Developer Relations, Jamstack, JavaScript, or interviewing and getting into a web development career? In this AMA, Jason will answer your questions!
Aisha Blake
Friday, October 29 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Add Observability to Jamstack Sites Using New Relic
Observability helps teams confidently ship and monitor production apps. In this episode, Aisha Blake will teach us how New Relic can help us add o11y to our Jamstack sites!
Todd Libby
Thursday, October 28 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Understanding Color Contrast for Accessibility
Getting color contrast right is crucial for making sure people are able to read and use our content, but understanding how to choose the right colors can be tricky. In this episode, Todd Libby will show us how it's done!
Ben Vinegar
Wednesday, October 27 2021 @ 10:45 AM PDT
Monitor Errors and Performance With Sentry
As part of Jamstack Conf, Jason is building a swag app with experts from around the community. This 5-part series will go through the whole process of building an e-commerce site with Shopify, Algolia, Sentry, Twilio, and Fauna.
Nathaniel Okenwa
Wednesday, October 27 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Send Transactional Emails With Twilio SendGrid
As part of Jamstack Conf, Jason is building a swag app with experts from around the community. This 5-part series will go through the whole process of building an e-commerce site with Shopify, Algolia, Sentry, Twilio, and Fauna.
Jennifer Wadella
Tuesday, October 26 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Optimize Your Development Workflow
Getting your development environment set up to be effective can have a huge impact on your productivity. Jennifer Wadella will teach us how to optimize our setup!
Bryan Robinson
Monday, October 25 2021 @ 12:00 PM PDT
Custom Command Bar Using Autocomplete With Algolia
As part of Jamstack Conf, Jason is building a swag app with experts from around the community. This 5-part series will go through the whole process of building an e-commerce site with Shopify, Algolia, Sentry, Twilio, and Fauna.
Rob Sutter
Monday, October 25 2021 @ 10:45 AM PDT
Custom Discount Codes With Fauna, Tito, and Shopify
As part of Jamstack Conf, Jason is building a swag app with experts from around the community. This 5-part series will go through the whole process of building an e-commerce site with Shopify, Algolia, Sentry, Twilio, and Fauna.
Kelly Vaughn
Monday, October 25 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Custom Cart With Shopify Storefront API
As part of Jamstack Conf, Jason is building a swag app with experts from around the community. This 5-part series will go through the whole process of building an e-commerce site with Shopify, Algolia, Sentry, Twilio, and Fauna.
Tim Benniks
Tuesday, October 12 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Personalization on the Jamstack
Delivering personalized experiences is an effective way to increase sales and engagement — but it also sounds HARD. In this episode, Tim Benniks will teach us how Uniform makes it possible.
Friday, October 8 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Next.js Dynamic Routes With Contentful's GraphQL API
Next.js has a popular approach for generating dynamic routes. In this episode, Salma Alam-Naylor (a.k.a. whitep4nth3r) will teach us how to use Contentful’s GraphQL API to power them.
Marie Poulin
Thursday, September 30 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Manage Team Workflows in Notion
Devs need todos, managers need to know when devs are stuck, and execs need a high-level overview across teams. Marie Poulin teaches us to use Notion as an "operational hub" to keep all 3 in one place!
Tuesday, September 28 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Improve Your App's UI and UX
We can all tell when an app just feels right, but it can be hard to know how to do that ourselves. In this episode, Lynne will teach us how to create great UI/UX in our apps.
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Friday, September 24 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Let's Learn TensorFlow.js!
What is TensorFlow.js, what can you use it for, and how can you get started with it? Bekah Hawrot Weigel will teach us all about it!
Stephanie Eckles
Thursday, September 23 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Modern CSS: Grid, Aspect Ratio, Container Queries, and More!
CSS has come a *long* way in recent years. In this episode, Stephanie Eckles will show us some of the modern features that have been added & why "centering a div" isn't hard anymore!
Margaret Staples
Tuesday, September 21 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Build Your Own TwilioQuest Content
TwilioQuest is an educational video game that teaches us to code through 16-bit role-playing nostalgia. Margaret Staples will teach us how to create custom content for TwilioQuest in this episode!
Jason Lengstorf
Thursday, September 9 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Experimenting With SvelteKit
In this episode, Jason will experiment with SvelteKit!
Joe Nash
Tuesday, September 7 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Remember the old Nokia phone snake game? In this episode, Joe Nash will introduce us to an evolution of the game, Battlesnake, where we code our own snake and see how far we can go!
Carlos Eberhardt
Thursday, September 2 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Turn Any Data Source into GraphQL With StepZen
StepZen allows us to combine multiple backends into a single GraphQL API. In this episode, Carlos Eberhardt will teach us how it works and how we can get started!
Brandon Roberts
Tuesday, August 31 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Reactive State Management Using NgRx and Angular
How do you handle local and global state in Angular projects? Brandon Roberts will show us how using NGRX
Jason Lengstorf
Thursday, August 26 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Limit Access to Web Pages for Twitch Subscriptions
To allow Twitch subscribers special access to additional functionality, we can create a web page that can only be accessed by active Twitch subscribers. In this episode, Jason will figure out how to make that work!
Ado Kukic
Wednesday, August 25 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Let's Learn MongoDB Atlas!
Mongo Atlas promises a fully managed solution for creating and administering databases. In this episode, Ado Kukic will teach us how it works and what we can accomplish with it!
Jason Lengstorf
Tuesday, August 24 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Local Development of Serverless Functions on Netlify
Serverless functions are incredibly powerful, but how do you work on them locally? In this solo stream, Jason will show how Netlify Dev makes it painless!
Ahmad Awais
Thursday, August 19 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Automating Tasks with Node CLIs
Creating and automating workflows unlocks a ton of developer productivity. In this episode, Ahmad Awais will teach us how to design and build our own Node powered CLI automation!
David Nugent
Tuesday, August 17 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Microservices and Red Hat OpenShift
In this episode, learn about Enterprise Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift. David Nugent will walk us through how to set up a microservice and deploy custom code to it!
Moriel Schottlender
Thursday, August 5 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Right-to Left (RTL) Support for Websites
RTL support has a lot of quirks that can make sites uncomfortable to use for RTL readers. In this episode, Moriel Schottlender will teach us what to watch for and how to make the web better for everyone!
Daniel Phiri
Wednesday, August 4 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Jamstack & Headless CMS Sites Using Strapi
How should you approach content modeling for your headless CMS? In this episode, Daniel Phiri will teach us how to set up our Jamstack sites for success using Strapi.
Srushtika Neelakantam
Tuesday, August 3 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Realtime Jamstack Apps With Ably
With tools like Ably, we can create multiplayer experiences on Jamstack apps quickly and reliably. In this episode, Srushtika Neelakantam will show us what we unlock by adding realtime features!
Tomasz Łakomy
Thursday, July 29 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Serverless Functions and TypeScript on Netlify
Did you know you can use TypeScript in serverless functions on Netlify with no build step? Tomasz Łakomy will show us how to get started!
John Breen
Thursday, July 15 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build a Command Line Interface in Rust
The Rust Language ecosystem is gaining steam as a powerful, friendly, and FAST way to build all sorts of things. In this episode, John Breen will teach us how to build a custom command line interface using Rust!
Tim Kadlec
Tuesday, July 13 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Web Performance Auditing
We all know performance is important, but we *don't* always know how to find what's causing slowdowns. In this episode, Tim Kadlec will teach us how to audit websites to find the slowdowns!
Brandon Bayer
Thursday, July 8 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Let's Learn Blitz.js!
Blitz.js is "a batteries-included framework" for building full stack apps with React. In this episode, Brandon Bayer will teach us how it works!
Abel Mengistu
Tuesday, July 6 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Let's Learn FlutterFlow
FlutterFlow is a visual builder for Flutter + Firebase apps. In this episode, Abel Mengistu will teach us how it works!
Brian Douglas
Thursday, July 1 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
GitHub Actions with Forked PRs?!
What's new in GitHub Actions? Brian Douglas will teach us all about: - Fine-grain permissions in Actions - GitHub cloud environment management - Dependent jobs in actions
Sarah Dayan
Tuesday, June 29 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
JavaScript Autocomplete
Building a great autocomplete experience can be a pain. In this episode, Sarah Dayan will teach us how to create a powerful JavaScript autocomplete solution using an open source library from Algolia.
Ben Myers
Thursday, June 17 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Better Screenreader Experiences with CSS
After an introduction to how we can navigate with screenreaders, Ben Myers will teach us how we can use CSS to influence what screenreaders will announce.
Jason Lengstorf
Tuesday, June 15 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Animating a Smashburger SVG Using GSAP
In this solo stream, Jason tries to remember how GSAP works to animate a smashburger SVG.
Fred K. Schott
Thursday, June 10 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Ship Less JavaScript with Astro
Astro is a way to build websites that ships zero JavaScript by default. Only add JS when you need it for maximum performance! Fred K. Schott will teach us how it works.
Don Brown
Tuesday, June 8 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Measure Deployments With Sleuth.io
Sleuth is a way to get metrics about deployments that will "make shipping less stressful for developers" — Don Brown will teach us how!
Jason Lengstorf
Thursday, June 3 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
First Look at Gatsby Functions
In this episode, Jason is going to look at the new Gatsby Functions feature and see how it works on Netlify!
Marcy Sutton
Tuesday, June 1 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Testing Accessibility
Making sure our apps and websites are accessible is a must-have for shipping. How can we be sure we're meeting a11y needs? Marcy Sutton will teach us how!
Mark Erikson
Thursday, May 27 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Let’s Learn Modern Redux!
A lot has changed in Redux since it was originally created. In this episode, Mark Erikson will teach us about Redux Toolkit an React-Redux hooks.
Rob Sutter
Tuesday, May 25 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
User-defined Functions in Fauna
What if you could bring compute to your data? In this episode, Rob Sutter teaches us how to create user-defined functions in Fauna to implement custom business logic right in your database.
Sebastian Aigner
Thursday, May 20 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Let's Learn Kotlin/JS!
Kotlin lets us write code once, then target multiple platforms — including JavaScript! Sebastian Aigner will teach us how to use Kotlin/JS to write type-safe JS apps in Kotlin.
Gregor Martynus
Tuesday, May 18 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
GitHub Automation with Octokit
GitHub has powerful APIs, and with Octokit we can do just about anything on GitHub through code. Gregor Martynus will teach us how!
Jason Lengstorf
Tuesday, May 11 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Distributed Persistent Rendering
In this solo episode, Jason will work through building an app with serverless functions using distributed persistent rendering.
Amy Dutton
Thursday, May 6 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Prototyping With Framer
Can we combine the best parts of no-code and custom code? Amy Dutton thinks we can! She'll teach us how to build prototypes with Framer that combine design components with custom code components.
Hung-Su Nguyen
Thursday, April 29 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Building a Second Brain with Obsidian
When it comes to taking notes, there are a lot of different options. In this episode, Hung-Su will teach us about how you can use Obsidian to take beautiful notes!
With special guest host Ben Hong!
Matt Hojo
Tuesday, April 27 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Custom Workflow Automation with n8n
While automation is a highly valued process in most toolkits, creating your own workflow automations can often seem daunting. In this lesson, Matt Hojo will be teaching us how to build custom workflow automations with n8n!
With special guest host Ben Hong!
Shaundai Person
Thursday, April 22 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Functional React With Styled Components
Learn how to create clean, beautiful React UIs! Shaundai Person will teach us how to combine function-style React components with Styled Components.
Nathaniel Okenwa
Tuesday, April 20 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Build a Custom IVR Using Twilio
Ever call a company and, as you try to figure out whether you should be pressing 1 or 4, thought, "I could make this so much better"? Now's your chance! Nathaniel Okenwa will teach us to build a custom IVR system with Twilio
Jennifer Wadella
Thursday, April 15 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Build Forms in Angular
Every web app is going to end up needing forms at some point. In this episode, Jennifer Wadella will teach us how to use the @angular forms API to create custom web forms!
Samuel Snopko
Tuesday, April 13 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Visual Editing With Storyblok
Storyblok is a headless CMS with a visual editor. In this episode, Samuel Snopko will teach us how to use it to power Jamstack web experiences!
Nikolas Burk
Thursday, April 8 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Let's Learn Prisma!
If you need a database for your app, Prisma promises to make it easy. Nikolas Burk will teach us how!
Cassidy Williams
Tuesday, April 6 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Troll Your Boss With The Jamstack
How fast can two cyberspace hooligans build an app to troll their boss? Tune in and find out as Cassidy Williams and Jason Lengstorf drag Sarah Drasner in app form!
Prince Wilson
Thursday, April 1 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
Real Time Notifications With the Twitch API
What can we do with TwitchDev EventSub? Anything we want! Prince Wilson will teach us how to build fun, real time interactions using the Twitch API.
Steve Sewell
Tuesday, March 30 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT
Create an Ecommerce Site Using Shopify, Next.js, and Builder.io
How do you give non-developers control over the look and feel of an ecommerce site? Steve Sewell will teach us how to use Next.js, Shopify, and Builderio to do it!
Jason Lengstorf
Thursday, March 25 2021 @ 9:30 AM PDT
A Stream About Streaming — Q&A
How does Learn With Jason work? In this Q&A and casual working session, Jason will walk through the process of making Learn With Jason and answer your questions about livestreaming!