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Partners & Sponsors

Create high quality, custom media and reach a global, inclusive community of intermediate to senior-plus web developers.

Learn With Jason partners with companies and brands to expand their reach in developer communities and tell better stories. We can help you augment your content creation capabilities with custom tutorials, get creative with your video-based social media strategy, or create truly unique experiences to help your company drive the conversation online.

We help your company:

  • Identify the ideal developer who’s ready to hear your story
  • Surface their goals and — more importantly — their current pain points
  • Map your company’s value to real pain points
  • Tell a compelling story that helps your ideal developer see themselves in a better world: a world where they no longer have that pain anymore because your company removed it
  • Provide clear next steps to help developers translate inspiration into action
  • Work with your team to define desired outcomes and strategies to measure them

Learn With Jason will create fun, memorable experiences for your audience

In the noisy world of web tooling, it’s more important than ever to focus on creating fun, authentic, and memorable experiences. These can range from low-budget, scrappy efforts up to full-blown media campaigns with multiple release channels. We’ll work together to find the most impactful way to reach your desired audience.

One of our favorite things to do is get creative and come up with ideas that specifically suit your company, but here are a few examples of things we could create tegether.

Branding and positioning content

What do developers say about your company when they talk about you? Do they talk about you at all?

Running an effective positioning campaign is a significant effort that takes time, but with the right assets and strategy you can raise awareness of your company and influence how people perceive it.

LWJ can help come up with tailored strategies that fit your goals and brand.

For example, the Netlify team was looking to show their inclusive, welcoming brand and the comparison of working with and without their product. Jason led the planning and production of this positioning video, which was met with a huge, overwhelmingly positive response from the community.

Credit: Netlify

Your company’s needs will likely differ, so we’ll take each project individually.

Closed captioning and more are made possible by our sponsors: