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This episode airs in 10 days!

Brandon Roberts

Brandon Roberts

Thursday, May 9 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT

AnalogJS is the full-stack meta-framework for Angular

There’s a whole lot of interesting innovation happening in AnalogJS. Creator Brandon Roberts will teach us why it’s exciting, whether you’re an Angular dev or not.

You can watch it on Twitch or in an embedded player that will appear on this page while the episode is live. Add it to your calendar2024-05-09 16:302024-05-09 18:00UTCAnalogJS is the full-stack meta-framework for AngularThere’s a whole lot of interesting innovation happening in AnalogJS. Creator Brandon Roberts will teach us why it’s exciting, whether you’re an Angular dev or not. and join live to ask questions and hang out with the wonderful folks in the chat!

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